bookdragon (CC0), Pixabay

According to the annual Stack Overflow poll, JavaScript has been ranked as the most used programming language for the eighth consecutive year.

And as you know, JavaScript is used not only in the frontend but also in mobile, server, and desktop development.

Below are compiled a rating of what will develop javascript company Fireart in the coming year:

1. Vue


If we compare the main three JavaScript frameworks for creating user interfaces (React, Angular, Vue) by the notorious stars on GitHub, then Vue takes the first place.

In my opinion, React actually leads the market, but this does not prevent Vue from growing and developing, as well as winning the hearts of developers.

2. React


React currently occupies a leading position in the JavaScript technology market. And in the coming year, it will only continue to strengthen its power.

Perhaps Vue will take some part of the market from React, but in the near future, we will definitely not see React cease to be the most in-demand technology among employers.

3. Angular


Vue pushed this framework to third place, but Angular is still considered the best solution for enterprise projects and continues to delight those who need everything they need to develop an application right out of the box.

4. Svelte


In November 2016, this framework was released for creating user interfaces. A distinctive feature of this framework from its counterparts is that it compiles its code in Vanilla JavaScript at the build stage (AoT), and in this connection, the overhead associated with the framework itself disappears completely.

At the moment, I would have thought several times before dragging him into production, although I consider him promising and worthy to take his place in this field.

5. Flutter


If you are interested in developing cross-platform applications, then Flutter will help you with this. Flutter allows you to write code once and run it on different platforms – mobile devices, web, and desktop computers. Once upon a time, React Native wanted to solve the problem of different codebases for Android and iOS, but at the moment it seems more dead than alive to me.

6. Next.js


Next.js is rather a popular framework, which was built by Zeit. It is used in order to build server-side rendering. Also, it’s used flor static web applications, where is used React. This building tool is great for website creation. There are a lot of specific features. Also, there are additional benefits, which are used in order to impress you. No big surprise that it is rather popular among users.

There are own specific configurations, which are rather convenient. Here are a lot of the great features. These features are server-side rendering, routers, and lazy loading.

7. Gatsby


With the help of this framework can be generated a static site. The base of this framework is React.

The main difference from Next.js is that it generates static HTML pages at build time and does not require a running nodeJS server. In turn, Next.js dynamically generates HTML every time a new request arrives using the server.

8. Nest


Nest.js is one of the best frameworks, which are scalable for the JavaScript server-side. it is built on top of TypeScript. It, in its turn, maintains compatibility with JavaScript. It is rather an effective tool that is used to build efficient and reliable applications, which are server-side. Its characteristic feature is modular architecture. With the help of it can be done structural design pattern for future development.

9. Jest


First, according to the “Jest” developers themselves, this tool is perfect for testing both applications written in pure JavaScript and for testing applications written in React, Angular, or Vue.

Jest runs tests in a Node.js environment and is pretty damn fast. And it’s not about cleverly running tests using parallel processes or a special memory allocation algorithm.

The bottom line is that “Jest” uses a virtual DOM – a special implementation of the browser DOM, but inside Javascript. And yes, there is not a word about this on the main page of “Jest”, and there is a mention only directly inside the documentation.

10. PWA


Although Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have been around for quite some time, they have gained in popularity in the past few years for their ability to provide mobile users with a more immersive experience comparable to that of native apps. For organizations, progressive web application frameworks offer a number of benefits, such as the ability to adapt to different platforms, devices, and hardware, in addition to ranking the application in search engines.


This collection is my subjective opinion on what will be in sight and hearing of developers in 2021.

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