It’s been a few months since the release of Apex Legends, yet this battle royale game won’t be dying down anytime soon. Due to COVID-19, this sixth season, otherwise known as “Boosted,” was started a bit later than expected. However, this didn’t stop the team from working as hard as they normally would, despite working from home. In fact, Respawn mentioned that one of the game’s animators had to set up his very own motion capture studio in his back garden. With that in mind, it’s amazing how much they were able to put into this newest update.
Just like every new season, Apex Legends will be introducing a new character, and just like every new character, we’re excited about this one. The new addition to the game is Rampart, a badass British-Indian lady who owns a gun store.
She’s a defensive character with the ability to put down a wall anywhere – super handy as a cover to protect the team!
According to the Apex Legends website, here are Rampart’s abilities:
- Amped Cover: Build a crouch-cover wall, which deploys a full-cover amped wall that blocks incoming shots and amps outgoing shots
- Modded Loader: Increased magazine capacity and faster reloads/recharge when using LMGs and the minigun
- Ultimate Ability: Place a mounted machine gun that anyone can use. High ammo capacity, long reload time
Her list of abilities sound amazing, but she’s not overpowered, though. She still has her weaknesses such as grenades and airstrikes. This is because her shield as well as her mini-gun are secured to the ground.
The addition of Rampart brings with it a change to the way crafting works in the game, where you can now create your own gear. This is perfect for those players who prefer to go around the map looking for materials instead of fighting.
This is how it works: players can pick up all kinds of resources throughout the map and then bring it to a replicator, which then offers you all kinds of things you can make. What’s more, it’s always a surprise as to what kind of items you can craft, since the menu goes through weekly and daily rotations.
One interesting thing we need to take note of, however, is the fact that whatever item is available in the replicator for that day won’t be available anywhere else on the map. This means that if you want to use a specific gun and it’s in rotation, then you will have to scavenge for it.
That being said, we’re still not sure about how crafting can affect the game if you look at the big picture. For one thing, it’s definitely a plus if your respawn point is near a replicator. Not only that, but it’s a great way to refill on ammo. However, we can’t imagine that players would build a whole gaming approach out of this.
Aside from releasing a new character, season 6 will also have a new weapon (“Volt”), an electrified submachine gun. It’s quite a formidable gun, with its medium-fast fire rate and no heat-up delay. You will also find a new battle pass that has over 100 items.
The World’s Edge map also received a major change, namely, you will now be able to find a rocket launch site on the southern part of the map. Right off the bat, this is a drop-off point for so many players, as this location has so much loot. Sadly, the rocket doesn’t launch, but you can close the doors in order to block off other players.
With all these new updates, we’re just super excited to see Rampart in action, who is basically the star of season 6.