
These days, one of the most popular social networking platforms is Discord. Whether you’re a student, a working adult, or a gamer, you’ve probably heard of Discord before. The platform allows users to join various servers, which are similar to online communities where people with the same interests gather.

Joining a Discord server and becoming an active member is one thing, but creating and running one is an entirely different story and experience. While the platform itself gives server moderators a lot of flexibility in how they choose to run things, there are times when running a server can get a bit too overwhelming, especially when you’re doing things on your own.

Many unexpected things can happen in a Discord server—trolls causing havoc, confrontations between users, etc. As an admin or moderator, there are times when keeping your server under control can feel like an uphill battle.

No matter what kind of hobbies you may have, may it be literature, video games, movies, etc., Discord is one of the best places to hang out and converse with your friends and online strangers who share the same interests as you do. As mentioned, regulating a considerably-sized Discord server can be a pain, but you can make things more manageable with the help of Discord bots.

Discord has a plethora of bots like Rhythm and MEE6, all of which work to help admins and moderators manage their servers more efficiently. These bots have various procedures to make your server more enjoyable and stress-free, both for you and new and old members.

The best part is that most of these bots are free, although many of them also offer a premium version that adds many new features aside from the free elements. With all that said and done, we’ll be discussing an excellent Discord bot today called Carl Bot.

If you’re looking for a simple way to make your task as a Discord server manager more manageable, you’ll want to check out this bot.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

What Is Carl Bot?

Without a doubt, Carl Bot is one of the most useful and sophisticated Discord server bots out there. It’s capable of doing many things, aside from the usual responsibilities that many accessible bots have, like saving conversation, creating response roles, managing logs, and more.

Carl Bot also has an Automod feature that ensures users can’t share attachments, links, and spam. This way, you can rest assured that your Discord server will be free from scams, spam, and questionable links from different members. Through Automod, Carl Bot can even penalize those users who still choose to send spam.

Carl Bot has an expansive list of features that can help you manage your server, from sending welcome messages to creating starboard. We’ll discuss each of these features more below. Although, we’d like to put it out there that if you’re a new server admin who is still trying to learn the ropes, installing Carl Bot may be more challenging than you’d like it to be.

In that case, you might want to use other simple bots like Dyno Bot to help you get started. On the other hand, if you’re going to create bespoke mods for your server, Carl Bot can do the job for you.

What Can You Do With Carl Bot?

As mentioned, Carl Bot is capable of many things, thanks to its expansive list of features. It’s no wonder why it has more than 2 million installs, making Carl Bot one of the fastest-growing Discord server bots out there. Let’s look at some of Carl Bot’s most popular features below:

Moderation Function

With Carl Bot’s moderation function, you’ll receive assistance in managing your server, ensuring that it remains of the highest possible quality. This tool lets you check and review infractions made by other users. Not only that, but Carl Bot also has a drama channel where you can see a summary of all the rules that users have violated in the past.

To ensure that members aren’t able to leave the server and rejoin later, you can easily assign sticky roles to their username. Thanks to the moderation function, you can easily handle various tasks simultaneously.


Log Record

Carl Bot can keep track of all the things happening within the Discord server, which can come extremely handy as an admin. Carl Bot can keep track of every ongoing activity, including deleted, modified, and purged messages, among many other things. The bot can also note users who join or leave the server, and these are listed in your server’s membership database.

You can also use the log record feature to keep track of other activities such as newly-created server roles along with newly-added emojis and channels. If you want to manage your Discord server even more efficiently, you can split the log into separate channels to lessen clutter.

Reaction Roles

With Carl Bot, you can have as many as 250 roles max in your Discord server. Having and assigning roles to the various members of your server increases user engagement while simultaneously ensuring that you can easily spot any spammers. You can use Carl Bot to set up different response roles, and each user receives a reaction role according to what they’ve chosen.

Different response role models are available, such as the unique, binding, transient, reversed, and verify kinds.

Welcome Messages

As you’re probably aware, joining and leaving Discord servers almost always involve welcome and goodbye messages. You can use Carl Bot to automate these messages whenever a new member arrives or when an old one leaves.

Permission System

Carl Bot has a permission system in place that you can use to manage your server’s command rules in bulk with little-to-no effort on your part. With this kind of system, you can rest easy knowing that you’re not bothering any other mods and users.

You can also use this permission system to personalize various instructions and change commands if you want to override the already-existing settings.



The Automod feature of Carl Bot is perhaps one of its most solid points. With Automod, you can create and establish a set of rules for your server and ensure that all the members are strictly following them. As mentioned, Automod allows you to view all the rules that members have violated previously, etc.

Although Carl Bot already has a set of pre-specific rules, you can also create new ones whenever you want. You can use the bot to penalize various offenses, including foul language, bad links, attachment spam, spam in general, and more.

You can even create a designated channel for media-type files only. At the same time, the Automod feature can remove or delete any messages sent in that channel that don’t have any attachments or links.

User Engagement

As with any Discord server, user engagement is crucial to ensure that everyone remains happy and satisfied. After all, members will start to leave one by one if things start to become dull. With Carl Bot, you can ensure that your Discord server remains high quality. It also includes features dedicated to engaging the server members, such as a starboard, postcount tracking, user information, and more.

You can also use Carl Bot for memes. After all, everyone loves memes.

How to Invite Carl Bot to Your Server

It doesn’t require a tech wizard to invite Carl Bot to your Discord server. If you’re interested in what Carl Bot has to offer and you want it to help you manage things more effectively, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Head over to the official Carl Bot website. You can either search it manually on your preferred search engine or type on your search bar.
  2. Make sure that you’re a member of the server that you want to invite Carl Bot to. Also, the site will prompt you to log in to your Discord account.
  3. Afterward, Carl Bot will ask you which server you want it to join. Take a look at your list of servers—if you’re an admin of many, choose the server you want from the drop-down menu.
  4. After making your selection, Carl Bot will ask you to give it various permissions so that it can make changes to your server. By giving Carl Bot permission, it will be able to access your server’s admin panel. In other words, it will have considerable control over your server, so you need to decide how much authority you want to give the bot.
  5. Once you’ve given Carl Bot the necessary permissions, go ahead and approve the changes to save.

Voila! When you check your Discord server, you should see that Carl Bot is present and ready to help.


Carl Bot Commands

If you want, you can easily set up various commands for Carl Bot to allow members to customize their experience with the bot. Carl Bot’s official website has a list of commands you can check out. For your convenience, we’ve compiled some of the best and most useful Carl Bot commands below:

!awwbomb – Users will receive five images of adorable animals.

!cat – Users will receive a random cat picture.

!aww – Users will receive a random photo of a cute animal.

!catbomb – Users will receive five random images of a cat.

!dogbomb – Users will receive five random photos of a dog.

!dog – Users will receive an adorable picture of a dog.


Without a doubt, Carl Bot is one of the best Discord server bots around that offers ease of use and automation like no other. If you’re a long-term Discord user, you’re probably aware that the platform isn’t exactly the most user-friendly. New users will undoubtedly get overwhelmed or confused by the various options and features available.

With bots like Carl Bot, you can significantly cut down your tasks, allowing you to focus on only the important stuff.

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