The Dauntless Behemoths are a diverse bunch of beasts, and the bulk of them have an elemental flaw that players should be mindful of. This knowledge is vital because identifying Dauntless Behemoth weaknesses is crucial to an effective search, and a Dauntless Behemoth vulnerability map will let you know exactly what to expect. The object of this guide is, in fact, to include such a Dauntless elements map.
A quick description of elemental damage styles may be helpful before digging into the Dauntless Behemoth vulnerability map. Blaze, Frost, Shock, Terra, Radiant, and Umbral are the six Dauntless elements, and several of the game’s Behemoths are susceptible to one element though solid against another. It’s worth noting that, as seen in the upcoming Dauntless elements map, Behemoths are resistant to the aspect of their form, and some of the monsters have little strength or weakness at all.
Understanding the different types of Dauntless elemental damage should be pretty simple now that the different types of Dauntless elemental damage have been identified, and players can use this knowledge in combat when playing Dauntless with mates. This Dauntless elements map, for example, features information on any Behemoth currently in the game, as well as their elemental type and weaknesses.
The Dauntless Behemoths are a diverse collection of creatures, and most of them have an elemental flaw that players should be mindful of. Targeting Dauntless Behemoth vulnerabilities is vital to an effective and competitive chase, and a Dauntless Behemoth vulnerability map will let you know exactly what to expect. This guide’s intent is, in reality, to include such a Dauntless elements map.
A quick review of elemental damage styles may be useful before digging into the Dauntless Behemoth vulnerability map. Blaze, Frost, Shock, Terra, Radiant, and Umbral are the six Dauntless elements, and many of the game’s Behemoths are vulnerable to one though solid against the others. It’s worth noting that, as seen in the upcoming Dauntless elements map, Behemoths are resistant to their type’s aspect, and some of the monsters have no strength or weakness at all.
Understanding the various types of Dauntless elemental damage should be pretty simple now that the various types of Dauntless elemental damage have been defined, and players can use this knowledge in combat when playing Dauntless with mates. This Dauntless elements list, in particular, contains the elemental form and weaknesses of any Behemoth currently in the game.