There has been a lot of highly-acclaimed anime titles as of late, and My Hero Academia (or Boku no Hero Academia in Japanese) is one of these titles. That being said, we have good news for the fans of the anime and manga series, as a brand-new free-to-play mobile game for My Hero Academia is currently in the works and will be released some time in 2021.
This news was announced in the highly popular Japanese shounen manga magazine known as Jump. The localized title of the game is My Hero Academi Ultra Impact. That being said, the existence of this game was initially discovered by fans despite not having an official announcement yet because some magazine subscribers were able to receive their issues earlier than planned.
My Hero Academia "Ultra Impact" 2021 mobile game for IOS and Android
Closed beta will be held#heroaca_a #ヒロアカ— AnimeHub (@ayofamz) October 22, 2020
After the issue was officially released though, Bandai Namco revealed that the game will have a closed beta that will only run for one weekend from November 6th through November 9th. Although, only Japanese fans will be able to participate in this beta test for now.
Also, those Japanese fans who use iOS devices, sadly, won’t be able to take part, as the beta test is only for Android devices at the moment. No worries, though! We’re sure that the developer will release more beta tests in the future, so we’ll just have to wait for our eventual turn.
Just like a lot of anime-inspired mobile games these days, My Hero Academia Ultra Impact will be implementing a gacha system.
For those who are unfamiliar, a gacha system is a commonly-used mechanic in many free-to-play games wherein players have a chance to obtain random characters or items. In addition to the gacha system, there will be optional micro-transactions as well.
As such, those who have a tendency to easily give in when it comes to spending money should be careful. After all, gacha games are known to be quite addictive and can really exploit those who have bad spending habits.
This is somewhat similar to the way Genshin Impact has been criticized by some players for its gacha system, as some have found themselves spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on the game.
In other news, My Hero Academia Ultra Impact will be based on the original storyline of the anime and manga, and will feature many familiar characters. In addition, the mobile game will be making use of a turn-based battle system. Those who love the series will also be glad to know that Ultra Impact will feature exclusive artwork for the different characters.
Among other things, My Hero Academia Ultra Impact will have a story mode as well as Quirk battles. As the name implies, the story mode will feature scenes, content, and characters from the anime, while the latter will let you battle different characters against each other.
This upcoming game follows the successful releases of the previous My Hero Academia games, such as My Hero Academia: Smash Tap from 2017 and My Hero Academia: Smash Rising from 2018. Both of these games were also released for mobile devices in Japan.
As for My Hero Academia Ultra Impact, it will be available to Japanese fans in 2021 for iOS and Android devices. We are still waiting for news as to whether or not the game will have an English release as well.