
Rhythms Sans Frontières is a groundbreaking music event that features some of the world’s most intriguing music and artists.

It fosters cultural diversity and supports deserving causes and organizations seeking to enhance human rights, humanitarian aid, and climate change action. Rowan Energy will be the principal sponsor of the RSF Festival in Thetford, UK, in 2022.

This sponsorship shows that Rowan Energy shares the same values and beliefs as the RSF Foundation. Both parties are committed to environmental sustainability and reducing carbon footprints.


Rowan Energy’s objective is to have solar panels installed on every home’s roof. The platform had a pilot launch in February, with 50 Smart Miners deployed in the homes of people in the United Kingdom. A Smart Miner is a Rowan Energy device that combines the capabilities of a Smart Meter and a Crypto Miner.

The platform awards its users with 10p worth of Rowan Coin for every 1kWh of energy created on the network in exchange for creating renewable energy and validating transactions on the blockchain. This encourages the use of rooftop solar while also helping the United Kingdom reach carbon neutrality.

Since its inception in 2018, the solar power company has made headlines and is currently in the midst of a major development phase.


By establishing infrastructure through technology and creativity, Rowan Energy is pioneering the way for other solar panel energy providers in terms of how businesses may engage in and contribute to the climate change agenda.

“Rowan Energy is pretty thrilled to be working in partnership with RSL on sponsorship and carbon offsetting,” said David Duckworth, chief executive officer and founder of Rowan Energy. “In addition to producing a fantastic festival, the team is passionately concerned about human rights and the environment,” he added.

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