Aspiring developers will be thrilled to know that Riot Games is currently hiring for its new MMORPG. Back in December 2020, Greg Street—former World of Warcraft lead designer and the studio’s current VP of IP and entertainment—announced that he is developing a massively multiplayer online game set in League of Legends’ Runeterra.
This particular announcement was made through a tweet which explained what his work in the franchise currently is. While this is wonderful news for League of Legends fans worldwide, it’s not altogether that surprising that Riot Games is working on an MMO. After all, the studio previously revealed that it’s making an effort to step outside of its comfort zone, refusing for its popular franchise to remain boxed inside the MOBA genre forever.
And it makes sense too—League of Legends is a big franchise with various characters, and its universe is interesting enough for the franchise to branch out and try new things. This could further expand on the game’s lore and world as well.
The studio has already started on this mission too, what with the release of the virtual card game Legends of Runeterra, an upcoming animated series Arcane, and an upcoming turn-based RPG Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, among other forms of media.
According to Riot Games’ official website, the studio is currently looking to hire roles to help with the development of the upcoming MMO, namely gameplay engineering, game design, UX design, game art (all sub-disciplines), and game production. While Street’s tweet last year wasn’t super clear, these job postings officially confirm what fans were hoping for.
Riot games states on its website that “we’re working on an MMORPG based in the League universe! We know MMOs take a lot of people to create, and we’ll need a pretty big raid team if we want to bring Runeterra to life.”
Over the last how many years, Riot Games has slowly been building up the League of Legends universe and adding more characters. At the moment, there are now over 150 champions in the game for players to pick and choose from. In the past, the developer usually only posts cinematics for League of Legends, but over the years, fans have been wanting more.
Eventually, Riot Games introduced Riot Forge to the public, which is a publishing label that’s focused on releasing League of Legends games. Thanks to this, third-party developers have been making an effort to help Riot Games create new and interesting stories from Runeterra and the general universe of League of Legends.
Compared to the original way League of Legends conveyed its stories, it’s definitely a major difference. Riot Games has definitely evolved past the iconic Journal of Justice newspaper comic series. Speaking of comics, the studio is actually collaborating with Marvel, and is also in the process of creating music videos in partnership with popular artists in an effort to showcase the different areas of Runeterra.
Along with League of Legends, Riot Games’ first-person shooter Valorant has also been at the top of the video game charts since its initial launch last year. It just goes to show that the studio is definitely on the right track.