Valorant Plans To Have New Casual Games Modes

There have been a lot of team-based battle royale shooter titles added to the gaming world this year, but a lot of fans have flocked to Valorant. Even though it was only released in June 2020, a lot of players already consider it to be one of the best team-based shooters.

However, the developers haven’t gotten ahead of themselves and are thankfully still conscious of the many ways the game could improve. In a recent interview with US Gamer, it was suggested that more casual gameplay modes would be a great addition to the title.

Like most online games, Riot Games has released several updates for Valorant and this will continue as developers will keep needing to refine the game and fix bugs. That being said, game director Joe Ziegler mentioned that having a “social downtime” in the game would be great.

This would be highly appreciated by many players, as the game modes right now – Rush, Deathmatch, and Plant/Defuse – are all competitive.


Without a doubt, only having three game modes would get tiring real fast. As such, Ziegler talked about wanting a game mode where players could play a warm-up game before a competitive match, or just chill out.


We can already imagine how players will welcome a mode like this, although how this new mode will be implemented remains to be seen. However, it’s clear that Riot Games wants players to relax and unwind too, rather than just constantly be involved in stress-inducing matches.


Valorant also has ideas for future updates to its competitive elements and characters. Aside from the overall improvements made to the game, Zieglar says that every time they decide to add a new thing to the game, they want it to be “disruptive.”


Their attempts at keeping the game fresh will definitely be appreciated by many players, especially those who want to keep improving their skills. Not only that but the constant game-changing features may keep the fans entertained for a long while.

Riot Games will definitely keep releasing updates for Valorant, and we’re excited to see what the developers have in store for us. Undoubtedly, some fans might be pleased by their disruptive approach, although some may be more wary and concerned about the spirit of the game.

The people behind Valorant will have to continue their balancing act, but it’s clear to see that they have a few tricks up their sleeve in order to keep the game fresh.

Cat and literature-lover. I play RPG games when I have the time.

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