Despite the past issues, Google and DeepMind managed to work together to develop the YouTube platform. According to the latest announcement from the latter, its partnership with Google brought the new Flamingo visual language model (VLM) is now being used on YouTube Shorts, allowing short-form videos to receive descriptions automatically.
Despite their short length, Shorts are one of the biggest current attractions on YouTube. However, some creators try to skip giving them descriptions, so it is frequently difficult to find specific clips on Shorts. Thankfully, this should be resolved through the new VLM model being employed on the platform.
“By analysing the Short’s initial video frames, the model explains what’s being shown on screen – for example, ‘a dog balancing a stack of crackers on its head,’” wrote Deepmind. “This text is stored as metadata in YouTube to better categorise videos and match search results to viewer queries.”
According to Deepming, the auto-generated video descriptions are now on YouTube. It also noted that all new content uploads should now receive them. With all this, the search results related to Shorts content are expected to surface better suggestions.
This is not the first time Google is using AI to provide better results in its search service. During its I/O 2023 conference, it also shared more details about how it would use the tech to boost its ad business further. For instance, the giant plans to enhance its automatically created assets (ACA) ad Search setting using generative AI. The setting was rolled out last year for Search ads and works by using the details in the ad page’s landing page to generate headlines and descriptions that better suit the specific search phrases of the user. By using AI, Google hopes to make the creation more efficient, allowing businesses ads to be more effective on its Search pages.