France. Musketeers. The eternal revolution. Croissants. Wine. Something different comes to everyone’s mind when it comes to France. The famous phrase “To see Paris and die” speaks for itself. Everyone really should go there. A lot of beautiful palaces and museums, various architectural sights, and beautiful Frenchwomen. Just look at the famous Parisian parking lot! Let’s find reasons to go to France together.
1. Asterix Park
Who among us hasn’t watched cartoons and movies about Asterix and Obelix? It turns out that France has an entire park dedicated to this little Gaul. Yes, this park is not as grand as Europa Park, but almost 2 million people visit it a year. You can ride 31 rides in five parts of the park: Gaul, the Roman Empire, Greece, the Vikings, and the crossroads of time and dancing yagupov.net/.
2. Amboise
It would take a very long time to count all the castles and palaces in France. One of the most beautiful is Amboise, one of the chosen castles of the Loire. This castle is over 1,000 years old. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The castle was badly damaged during the revolutions. The château is now run by the Fondation Louis Saint.
3. Graindorge Cheese Factory
Have you ever been to a cheese factory? No, not the kind where people bathe in cheese. I mean the good and proper cheese factories that make some of the world’s tastiest cheeses. I haven’t been either. Visit the Graindorge Cheese Factory. They’ve been making Livarot cheese from the freshest milk here for over 100 years.
4. Nice
Who hasn’t heard of this resort town? It is one of the central places of the popular Cote d’Azur. You should definitely take a walk along the Promenade des Anglais. It’s very beautiful, and there are a lot of beautiful yachts there.
5. Lake Geneva
This is a unique lake. It is divided between two countries, Switzerland and France. There are many tourist spots located here. All because of the purest water of beautiful blue color. And, of course, the Alps. They are excellent.
6. Versailles
This is one of the main attractions of Paris, France, and all of Europe. It is a palace and park ensemble in the city of Versailles. This monument to the “king-sun,” Louis XIV, was built more than 350 years ago. There are many expensive decorated rooms, which you can’t walk around even for an hour. And the park is worth a separate day tour.
7. Paris Catacombs
Let’s move on from the popular tourist spots to the lesser-known ones. For example, the Paris catacombs. This is a network of underground and winding tunnels. They appeared during the extraction of limestone. The length of these tunnels is up to 300 kilometers! About 6 million people are buried in them. Tourists are open 2.5 kilometers wide. The cost of a visit is €29.
8. Fort Boyard
This 150-year-old fort became famous for the television project of the same name. This ship-like structure, 61 meters long, 31 meters wide, and 20 meters high, was intended to be a fort. But while it was being completed, long-range weapons appeared in the world. It was decided to use the building as a prison. Tourists could approach no more than 500 meters.
9. Mont Saint-Michel
It is a small and not very famous in our country rocky island, which was made into an island fortress. Every year this island is visited by 2-3.5 million tourists. Numerous defensive structures allowed the island to survive in 1091 and 1425.
10. Chartres Cathedral
I love cathedrals. Gothic buildings allure me. I hope I’m not the only one. And one of the beautiful examples of such buildings is the cathedral with the difficult name – Chartres. This cathedral is located 90 kilometers from the capital of France, the city of Chartres. For more than 1,000 years, the cathedral has housed one of the greatest relics, the Holy Shroud of the Virgin Mary.
11. Paris
Among the reasons to go to France, why not name Paris? Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame de Paris), the Arc de Triomphe, Montmartre, the Sacré-Coeur Basilica, the Moulin Rouge, the Champs Elysees, and, of course, she, the Eiffel Tower. You can get tired while you list all the sights of Paris. You can stand in a long line to see Paris from the Eiffel Tower. Or you can quickly climb one of the tallest buildings in Paris, Montparnasse.