In “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet,” dual-type Fighting/Electric Paradox Pokémon Iron Hands resembles a Hariyama from the future. Famous for its high HP and Attack stats, an Iron Hands excels in physical combat. Quark Drive, its signature ability, can boost its highest stat on Electric Terrain. Catch this in the Great Cater of Paldea, and introduce a unique combo of strength and versatility to your team and Poké roster. In this guide, you’ll learn about the best movesets and raid build for Iron Hands.

Best Movesets

An Iron Hands raid build based on its attack, the Belly Drum, is unbelievably powerful. This can deal very high damage and health regen, especially when used with Drain Punch, enabling Iron Hands to show incredible prowess during raid battles.

The best raid build for this Pokémon is dependent on the best movesets. These are:

  • Belly Drum (learned at Level 84) – It can cut its user’s HP in half and maximize the Attack stat.
  • Drain Punch (learn from a Technical Machine) – This Fight-type Attack can restore health equivalent to half the damage it inflicts. 

By this time, there are two more slots for a move you can use. It can be whatever, but the most recommended are:

  • Close Combat
  • Electric Terrain
  • Thunder Punch

Best Tera Raid Build

Remember these details for an Iron Hands Tera Raid build:

  • Ability: Quark Drive
  • Nature: Adamant
  • EVs: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 6 Sp. Def
  • Item: Booster Energy
  • TeraType: Fighting

Tips To Make Sure Your Iron Hands Is As Effective As Possible

  • Purchase the Punching Glove held item from Zapapico town and give this to Iron Hands.
  • Take advantage of the Montenevera Hyper Training to boost all its stats except Special Attack and Speed.
  • Use Vitamins and feathers to boost its attack and all of its defensive EV stats.
  • Take advantage of the Adamant Mint to ensure your hero has an Adamant nature, which raises attack and lowers Special Attack.
  • Train Iron Hands to Level 100
  • Change its Tera type to Fighting.

At this point, you now have a powerhouse Pokémon ready for the most brutal era raid fights. Play “Pokémon Scarlet and Violet” on the Nintendo Switch. 

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