VSCO is regarded as one of the most popular photo and video editing and sharing apps. The platform’s filters and edits make it stand out in the competition. 

This famous photo and video editing and sharing app is quite similar to Instagram. You can directly share your photos through the in-app camera feature and adjust them to your aesthetical preferences before uploading the picture. The most widely used aesthetics on the platform include whimsical and vintage. 

Beyond these, VSCO users have certain questions about the screenshot notification on the platform. So, does VSCO notify screenshots? Keep reading to find out.

Does VSCO Notify Screenshots?

If you are new to VSCO, you must wonder whether it will send notifications about the screenshots. We are not going to stall you any longer. The answer to your query is simple: No. VSCO does not notify you if somebody takes a screenshot of your profile picture or any of your posts on the platform. 

However, you should note that if somebody takes a screenshot of your profile or the app’s front page, they will get notified in their activity status. An alert pop-up will appear on the screen that will say, “Someone Screenshotted You!” The pop-up only appears if both users follow each other. 

Did that answer your question? Here are more things you should know about the topic and VSCO in general. 

Can You See Who Screenshots Your VSCO?

To answer this question, no, you cannot see if somebody screenshots you on VSCO. However, if you are really curious about the matter, there are third-party apps you can use. But be careful and choose only legitimate apps. 

As discussed a while ago, you might get notified by a friend who noticed the screenshotting process. Unlike Snapchat, which notifies its users when someone takes a screenshot of your picture on the platform, VSCO does not offer any such feature as of now.

What Does VSCO Send Notifications For?

Similar to other major social media platforms, VSCO sends notifications for the following items:

  • If you like or comment on somebody’s photo
  • If you follow someone, or they follow you
  • If somebody wants or comments on your photo
  • The number of notifications you receive simply depends on how active you are on VSCO
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