Ghost of Tsushima Legends Rivals Mode Explained In New Trailer

Sucker Punch’s introduction of the free Legends multiplayer mode was a true gift for those who had already fallen in love with Ghost of Tsushima as a beautiful and fascinating single-player game. Although some were concerned that Legends would be a one-and-done agreement, this was not the case.

Rivals, a competitive mode for Legends, is the first new game mode for the online multiplayer mode. While there is no direct PVP in this mode, players will strive to achieve specific objectives as soon as possible. They can also undermine each other along the road. A new trailer provides additional information on how everything works.

Although a few cosmetics cross over between the two, Ghost of Tsushima is mainly distinct from the multiplayer Legends content. Players may now buy the Legends mode separately from the main game, enabling them to enjoy multiplayer gaming without having to pay the full price for the single-player tale.


The release date of the new mode is the first thing fans will notice in the tweet below. Players of Ghost of Tsushima: Legends may begin playing the Rivals mode tomorrow, September 3rd, at 8 a.m. Pacific Time.

The tweet’s description also discloses a few other new features that will be released alongside it, like Gear Mastery, new cosmetics, and more. Details on these will very certainly be released with the patch that introduces Rivals to the game tomorrow. Players will receive a more in-depth look at Rivals in this video.

Players beat foes, acquire Magatama, and then spend it on curses to hamper their opponents in this new mode’s fundamental gameplay cycle. Players can start a Final Stand wave after spending enough Magatama (65 in the teaser).

To win, you must defeat all of the enemies in this wave before the opposing team. In terms of curses, the trailer focuses on two in particular. One lets the user to summon the Hwacha Fire Spirit, which delivers massive damage to the other team in an AoE. Another allows players to summon an Elder Shade, a formidable opponent who prohibits the other side from spending Magatama until it is vanquished.

There will undoubtedly be more subtlety, but it will ultimately be a test of individual ability and collaboration. Fans appear to be ecstatic about the new game option, and it will be accessible for free to anybody who has Ghost of Tsushima: Legends on PS4 or PS5.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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