Playing with the PlayStation 4 truly offers unparalleled experiences for the gamer. However, you can sometimes encounter glitches along the way, and while these are typical, you should still know how to fix them. One of the issues you might encounter is seeing the PS4 randomly turns on. Should this be a cause of worry? What are the things you can do to fix this? 

The PS4 turning on by itself is a problem first shown in 2014 after some software updates. It has remained an issue for several gamers, and there are multiple reasons for this. 

Your PS4 turns on and ejects the disc; in some cases, it turns on and goes into safe mode or rest mode. Sometimes also, the PS4 starts controlling itself even if the DualShock 4 or DS4 controller is off. If you encounter a similar problem with your console, worry not, because most of the time, it can be fixed by you, without opening the console or without running to the repair shop.

Why Does My PlayStation 4 Turn On By Itself?

When your PlayStation 4 turns on by itself, this usually results from a software glitch, hardware glitch, or an issue with the controller having some gunk on it or something else. Since you can turn on your PlayStation with a connected controller, it is often the reason it randomly turns on. 

6 Ways To Fix This Problem

As you have learned, if your PS4 randomly turns on, there are several reasons for that. Often, you can resolve the problem with a simple update. Simply run this update. Restoring the database is also a well-known solution if you have lots of data. But then again, there are several fix options you can try.

Fixing The Problem Automatically With Power Connecting 

Holding down the power button for seven seconds shuts down the PS4. It will emit two beeps when it is off. Plug the power cable of the PS4 console into an electric outlet. Then, look at the power cords or ports to see if there is a problem. If necessary, replace the cords. Moreover, avoid connecting several devices to prevent overloading the PS4’s power outlet.

Turn Off Automatic Updates

Your PS4 can enable updates to be downloaded and installed at night if the auto-updates are enabled. To disable them, simply follow these steps. 

Firstly, on the home screen, choose the Settings icon. Secondly, select System from the bottom of the screen. Thirdly, select the Automated Downloads option. Finally, and this is recommended, uncheck the box for System Software Update Files. 

Note: Since application update files only update while the console is in use, you do not have to uncheck them. If you do, your PS4 will no longer receive system updates. 

Search For Alternatives To Wi-Fi

In some instances, your wireless Internet cannot provide a reliable connection, and there can be fluctuations in your network connection. 

Network short circuits and external disruptions normally disrupt Wi-Fi connectivity. In these cases, Ethernet cables are the best choice. 

At the back of your console is an Ethernet cable power connector. You can also make LAN connections between the router and PS4. If the Wi-Fi connection works, it is strongly advised that you do not entirely rely on this. 

Install The Latest Firmware For Your PS4

For this resolution, follow these steps. First, on the home screen, select the Settings icon. Then, select System Software Update by clicking the X button. You will then be notified of an update when this becomes available. When you install the latest version, you will receive a notification. 

Troubleshooting Hardware Problems 

This method, on the other hand, starts with as simple as turning off your PS4 by holding down the power button for seven seconds. You will hear two beeps. 

The power line should be turned off at the power outlet. Additionally, all connected cords should also be removed. Then, remove the shiny cover of the hard drive. With this, a properly connected hard drive is necessary. Replace it with a new one by opening it up. 

Create A New Database

Reconstructing your PS4 database is among the most effective approaches to fix practically any minor system failure, including the PS4 randomly turning on by itself. Your saves are not destroyed during this process, so do not fret. But, this may take a few minutes to several hours. This is because the database is rebuilt depending on the size of the drive. Here are the steps for this resolution. 

First, rebuild the database only after your PS4 has been completely turned off. From the screen function, select Power and then select Turn off PS4. 

Once you hear the second beep, the PS4 automatically enters safe mode. By this time, you should use a USB port to connect your DS4 controller. Finally, choose “Rebuild Database” by clicking the “PlayStation” button on your controller. Your PS4 will then be activated instantly. 

What If Nothing Works?

You do not want this, but if the resolutions above do not work for you, there are still more ways that you can do to fix the issue.  

Properly Turn Off Your PlayStation 4

Always turn off your PS4 properly after use, and avoid leaving it in rest mode. In this mode, a glitch can make the PS4 turn on even if you are not pressing any button. This happens not just in PS4 but also, for instance, with Windows computers in sleep mode, which turn on automatically even when there is no wake timer. 

Remove The Rubber Foot

There is a rubber foot underneath the eject button of the PS4. You must check if this is interfering with the button. Sometimes, this rubber foot absorbs heat, which causes it to expand and start hitting the eject button. Removing or cutting down the rubber foot can fix the issue.

Check Buttons

Check the buttons of the PS4 and the controller. However, the scenario where the controller’s button or console’s button triggers the issue has not happened yet, but there is a possibility. If any button is constantly pressed for some reason, it may be a reason why your PS4 randomly turns on by itself. Also, check if there are specks of dirt stuck around any of the buttons. 

You Do Not Have To Worry, The Issue Can Be Fixed

Most of the time, this issue is simply a hardware or software issue, and can easily be fixed by unplugging the console and resetting it. You may also be able to fix the problem simply by keeping the console unplugged or the outlet turned off when you are not using the console. 

Furthermore, you may also buy a smart outlet, which is just around $10, cheaper than replacing the APU or taking it somewhere to fix the issue. The outcome will be the same. Once an update comes out, the problem will probably be fixed anyway. Now, you know the easiest and fastest ways to resolve the issue with your PS4, so you never have to worry about your gaming console turning on by itself ever again.

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