About a week after Twitter Blue announced its new NFT profile picture feature, world-renowned social media platform Reddit announced that it’s also working on incorporating NFT avatars. On Thursday, Tim Rathschmidt, the spokesperson of Reddit, spoke with TechCrunch, saying:
However, he also clarified that the feature is still a “small, internal test,” and the company still hasn’t decided whether it will roll out the feature to the public. Still, app developer Nima Owji took to Twitter to post a Reddit banner promoting the upcoming feature. The banner suggested that the supposedly small and internal testing is already making much progress.
#Reddit is working on #NFT profile pics as well! pic.twitter.com/l2cqfSuIbK
— Nima Owji (@nima_owji) January 21, 2022
As mentioned, Twitter also launched NFT profile pictures last week, much to the dismay of many users. The feature is only available to iOS users who subscribe to Twitter Blue, a paid service for those who want more out of the platform. Despite the uptick in popularity, it appears that gamers and Web2 developers aren’t too fond of these non-fungible tokens.
After Twitter Blue launched the new feature, a GitHub contributor quickly developed a browser extension that immediately blocks those Twitter users who are using the new NFT hexagonal photos.
As for Reddit, this isn’t the first time that the platform has experimented and played around with the concept of NFTs. The platform even has a dedicated page for NFTs, which you can check at nft.reddit.com. Not only that, but Reddit also brought in crypto tokens for the r/Cryptocurrency and r/Fortnite communities back in May 2020. These tokens were known as MOON and BRICK under Ethereum.