Spider-Man DLC Confirmed Coming To Marvel’s Avengers

Fans have been waiting for any word regarding the impending Spider-Man material in Marvel’s Avengers with bated breath. Square Enix has revealed that the webhead’s inclusion will provide more stories and cutscenes to the game after being silent for a time.

According to Crystal Dynamics’ Senior Producer Dan Matlack on the official Marvel’s Avengers Discord channel, the business’s Spider-Man material is categorized as an “event.” It will have its own cutscenes and plot elements as a result. Many fans were concerned that because Spider-Man will be a PlayStation exclusive character, he would not receive the same amount of material as previous DLC additions to the game.


It’s unknown how much new material will be added to Marvel’s Avengers for the release of Spider-Man, given there hasn’t been an official update outside of Matlack’s remark. The latest War for Wakanda expansion brought almost three hours of content to the main game, so there’s a good chance that Spider-Man will get a comparable amount of DLC.

Crystal Dynamics has unveiled a content schedule for the remainder of 2021 as part of Marvel’s Avengers’ first anniversary celebrations. The roadmap states that the PlayStation-exclusive Spider-Man DLC will be released before the end of the year, but no particular dates are given.

Hopefully, the DLC won’t be delayed any further, pushing it until 2022. However, given that Crystal Dynamics has offered lots of free material and support for the game, it appears that fans will be understanding, especially given the problems that the ongoing epidemic has posed to game production. On the other hand, fans are eager to play as Peter Parker, whose DLC was meant to be released earlier this year but was postponed.


It’ll be fascinating to compare the experience of controlling the character to Insomniac Games’ Marvel’s Spider-Man on the PS4/PS5. On top of his forthcoming inclusion to Marvel’s Avengers, Insomniac just revealed Spider-Man 2 at a recent PlayStation showcase, which has sparked a lot of interest in Spider-Man on the PlayStation.

Many Marvel fans are ecstatic that the character is experiencing something of a gaming revival on the PS4 and PS5. While nothing has been announced, fans of Marvel’s Avengers Spider-Man DLC may expect an update in the coming months.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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