Ever heard of wealth coaches who tell people that nobody gets rich with employment? It’s somehow true, but take things differently in “The Sims 4.” While it simulates real life, the corporate ladder here is so ideal that you can actually get rich when you ace your job with some help of cheat codes, of course. In this guide, get to know the highest-paying careers in this simulation game sensation and see how they compare to real life! Let’s get to it.

Covert Operator And Officer – Military Career Track

16,880 Simoleons Per Week

$1,154 Per Week In The Real World

The highest-paying job in “The Sims 4” is… being part of the military as a covert operator and officer. As their name implies, covert operators participate in clandestine operations or secret operations that conceal the operators’ identities. Think of them as undercover agents, sort of. Covert operators may be law enforcement agents, private investigators, or intelligence agency operatives. In “The Sims 4,” though, you need to gain high Logic to be promoted. 

Stylist – Style Influencer Career Track

15,000 Simoleons Per Week

$63 Per Week In The Real World

That’s a huge shock, considering that stylists in the real world are not paid that much unless they have massive projects or celebrities to handle. But, in a world like “The Sim 4” where the area around is like Barbieland and every Sim is just fashionable, it’s easy to understand how the stylist career is the second highest-paying job. 

Interstellar Smuggler – Astronaut Career Track

14,868 Simoleons Per Week

$1,600 Per Week In The Real World

Ah, close to reality, no, PVP Live is just kidding. Well, in the real world, where law enforcers often chase smugglers because of their evil ways to earn such huge money, they’re closer to what happens in life simulation games like “The Sims 4.” The third highest-paying career in the game, the Interstellar Smuggler, is challenging to get promoted into. It’s literally rocket science.

Here’s a note: there’s no such thing as Interstellar Smuggler in real life, so the real-life salary above is based on a Smuggler’s salary alone. 

Botanist – Gardener Career Track

14,700 Simoleons Per Week

$253 Per Week In The Real World

Also entirely off compared to real life, the Botanist career is the fourth highest-paying career in “The Sims 4.” It’s off because in real life, botanists are viewed as geeks (Remember Dr. Pamela “Poison Ivy” Isley in the Batman and Robin movie? You get the picture.), and they are not as wealthy as entrepreneurs. However, in “The Sims 4,” where homes are of the highest value, a Botanist’s job is also highly valued. 

Certified Dating Specialist – Romance Consultant Career Track

14,070 Simoleons Per Week

$903 Per Week In The Real World

Now, calm down, but this is a match in real life. With the rise of online dating platforms, certified dating specialists or dating coaches are pretty much in demand nowadays. Meanwhile, in “The Sims 4,” where people seemingly have nothing to do but start relationships with others, it is understandable why Certified Dating Specialists are in the picture. 

It’s a disclaimer, though. The salary comparison above is for a dating coach.

Trendsetter – Style Influencer Career Track

13,530 Simoleons Per Week

$880 Per Week In The Real World

In the real world, trendsetters or, celebrities, or perhaps influencers invited to European fashion weeks are seen as rich in public information. Still, you’ll actually never know if they’re just promoting the places they go to or if that’s really how wealthy they are. In “The Sims 4,” trendsetters are paid relatively high. 

The salary comparison above is for an influencer. 

Investor – Business Career Track

12,992 Simoleons Per Week

$1,342 Per Week In The Real World

Surprised? PVP Live is, too. It is surprising that Investors, who, in the real world, are wealth leaders, are only coming in at number seven in “The Sims 4” in terms of the highest-paying careers in the game. Well, you cannot blame the game’s developers as they created the gameplay so gamers won’t get bored, even if it’s a life simulation game. They will, for sure, find working the Investor career too technical, so the most thrilling ones, such as the Covert Operator job, are the firsts on this list. 

Villain – Secret Agent Career Track

12,875 Simoleons Per Week

$1,558 Per Week In The Real World

In “The Sims 4,” Villains are not the villains in TV series, movies, or theatrical plays, but they refer to Secret Agents who a Sim hires to do mischievous things for them, for whatever purpose. It’s quite funny because these people are paid high in the game! 

The comparison above on the salary uses the secret agent job in the real world. 

Double Diamond Agent – Secret Agent Career Track

12,780 Simoleons Per Week

$1,558 Per Week In The Real World

If your Sim wants to be the James Bond of the game, then choose the Double Diamond Agent career. Aside from not making you sleepy while playing, this career also pays well, allowing you to buy new stuff, clothes, houses, and more. 

Since there is no such thing as a Double Diamond Agent in the real world, the salary comparison above uses the secret agent job in the real world. 

For PVP Live’s conclusion, enumerating the highest-paying careers in “The Sims 4” and placing them side-by-side with figures in the real world offers many interesting insights. First, it is interesting that the wealthiest people in the real world are just midway through this list. Also, taking into account real life, the highest-paying careers will be smugglers, secret agents, and investors. Also, the highest-paying career in the game is a military person, who, you know, in real life, shares a lot of struggles. Play “The Sims 4” now on PC, Steam, and PlayStation, among others.

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