The famous 2004 anime “Bleach” has a story that revolves around the action-filled yet whimsical adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki, the main protagonist who dons the same type of clothing as Rurouni Kenshin and also wields a sword after he acquires the powers of a Soul Reaper from another Soul Reaper. In the story, Soul Reapers are a personification of death for Grim Reapers. Kurosaki’s newfound powers force him to take on the responsibility of defending humans from evil forces and spirits and then guiding departed souls to the afterlife. 

“Bleach” viewers know that Kurosaki wears many forms. This is for him to gain the upper hand against his enemies. These forms, or transformations, are present since he is of multiple origins and can accomplish the most rigorous training in a relatively short period. In this PVP Live list, you’ll see how the strongest forms of Kurosaki rank. Let’s start.

True Bankai

In this anime, several of Kurosaki’s forms feature him with ink-like black marks on his skin, such as his True Bankai form. Otherwise known as the Horn of Salvation, this is his most potent form yet, which he attained during his final bout versus Yhwach in the anime’s Thousand-Year Blood War arc.

The True Bankai form represents the perfect fusion of his Hollow, Shinigami, Fullbring, and Quincy superpowers, which grant him immeasurable strength and speed. 

Here, a horn protrudes from his head while the Hollow mask covers half his face. Meanwhile, his attire resembles his Fullbring Shikai look. 

True Shikai

This is Kurosaki’s second-best form, achieved during his fight with Jugram Haschwalth with the spirit Zangetsu. With this form, Kurosaki wields two blades, not just one, giving his enemies proper trouble and the power that makes him dominate the playing field. 

One of those blades is an enormous cleaver-like sword, symbolizing his Hollow abilities. The other is a tinier, dagger-like sword representing his Quincy quirks. 

Vasto Lorde

This Vasto Lorde form of Kurosaki is that which involuntarily transforms him to during his fight against the potent Espada, Ulquiorra. After a fatal attack, he lets his instinct take over, resurrecting him and turning him into this form, the highest Hollow class. 

This form is incredibly compelling, taking pride in its increased speed, strength, regenerative ability, and deadly Cero. The appearance is less angelic and more monstrous. There’s a white-colored bone-like mask he is wearing. But, this form has a downside. It is dangerous to be on as Kurosaki tends to lose his control, turning him into a wild force that can destroy even himself. 

Final Getsuga Tensho

Most of Kurosaki’s forms are achieved during his battles. In the last moments of his fight versus Sōsuke Aizen, the Shinigami can attain a new level of power that Kurosaki isn’t able to conquer initially. Thus, he needs to activate this form, the Getsuga Tenso form to let him defeat and incapacitate Aizen long enough and lock him up behind the shadows. 

Kurosaki also achieves this Final Getsuga Tensho while in training in the Dangai. Thus, when he fights the merged spirit Tensa Zangetsu, he acquires this form while accepting the spirit’s powers. This is how he is able to achieve the Final Getsuga Tensho form, enough to weaken the formidable Aizen.


Meanwhile, Fullbring isn’t something unique with Kurosaki as it is a power manifested by humans affected by the Hollow spiritual energy prior to their birth. Coincidentally, after losing his Shinigami abilities, he gains the Fullbring abilities. His Fullbring form is known as the Substitute Badge, which transforms his Substitute Soul Reaper Badge into a form that compares to his old Shinigami outfit, therefore enhancing his physical prowess and agility. 

With this form, he can project energy just as the Getsuga Tenshou can. Thus, Fullbring is a temporary stepping stone for the anime’s hero, bridging the gap on the loss of his original powers and regaining his authentic Shinigami abilities. 

Merged Hollow

Pictured above, Kurosaki’s Merged Hollow form makes its debut during the Thousand Year Blood War arc of “Bleach.” He gets this form while fighting Yhwach, the strongest character during that part of the story. The Merged Hollow form also appears near the end of the manga, when Kurosaki assumes this by merging all his powers. 

In this form, he is fast and strong beyond belief, urging Yhwach to defend himself like a boxer, dodging his opponent’s punches. His attack in this form manifests his existence as both a Shinigami and a Hollow. 

Full Hollow

Speaking of Hollow, Kurosaki’s Full Hollow form is attained while in training with the Visoreds, representing his struggles with his Hollow. The moment his inner Hollow takes control of him, his transformation to this form commences, turning the anime’s hero into a monstrous and berserk being. In this state, he has a white, skeletal mask, while his body features a Hollow hole. Fearsome. 

Furthermore, his speed, strength, and durability are improved, but costing his sanity and control. But thanks to the training with the Visoreds, he can harness this form’s true power without losing control. 


There was a particular point in the plot of “Bleach” when Aizen manages to defeat all of the companions of Kurosaki, since this was when his father, Isshin, tells him to travel to Dangai, a different dimension between Soul Society and where the humans are. It’s comparable to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in “Dragon Ball.”

While in this Post-Dangai form, he trains hard, spending nearly three months in Dangai, equivalent to an hour passing in the real world. 

After he returns to his world, he already has long hair and is extremely strong. He also now has a better connection with his Bankai and is capable of overpowering Aizen, countering his attacks. 

Re-live the most unforgettable “Bleach” moments. You can stream “Bleach” now on platforms such as Crunchyroll, JustWatch, Hulu, Disney+, Netflix, and others.

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