Last Friday, the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga was the unfortunate victim of a shockwave due to a catastrophic volcanic eruption of the volcano known as Hunga Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai. Sadly, several eruptions took place that day, leaving the Tongatapu citizens to deal with a massive tsunami.
As a result of this heartwrenching crisis, crypto holders showed their support and sympathy by showing intent to donate Bitcoin (BTC) to help with the ongoing relief operations. To try and get the ball rolling, Twitter user Onair Blair encouraged former Tongan lawmaker Lord Fusitu’a to create a wallet address so that people can easily send their Bitcoin donations.
Seeing that the tsunami’s waves went as high as 1.2 meters (or about 4 feet), citizens were fortunately quick enough to flee to higher ground, especially since that height would cover not only roads but properties as well. At this time, there are no reports of any casualties from the tragic event.
However, the Tongatapu citizens are experiencing air and water contamination due to the eruption, and aid organizations prioritize these concerns.
Fortunately, Lord Fusitu’a quickly responded by setting up a BTC wallet address. He also provided a link for fiat donations to allow non-crypto holders to help with the relief operations. At this time, the BTC wallet address received 0.10794983 BTC ($4,625.29). Last Friday, Lord Fusitu’a told Cointelegraph that they had plans to use volcanoes’ geothermal energy to power BTC mining in the area, which they hope would help with the country’s finances.
According to the former Tongan lawmaker, the country has a total of 21 volcanoes, and each one apparently products about 95,000 megawatts, according to the former Tongan lawmaker. He notes that one volcano alone can already generate $2000 worth of BTC every day, which they plan to give to the region’s families.