croisy (CC0), Pixabay

Having an image with a transparent background can really make an object stand out. You can also alter an image by removing or replacing its background. How do you achieve this? Read on to discover three of the best ways to make a background transparent.

The power of background removal

Many professional uses of visual elements require a neutral background. If you do not have the time or budget to employ an expert photographer, editing and removing the background from stock photos can be a useful way to create professional-looking visuals.

You may have a picture with the perfect foreground or subject, but it’s no good if the background is busy and distracting. By removing and replacing the background in a photo, you can achieve the perfect result. You can choose to add a plain, colored, or different visual entirely.

How to remove backgrounds

Background Remover by Depositphotos

Background Remover is a quick tool that applies the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to remove backgrounds online. This is the sole purpose of the instrument. It is simple to use and requires no prior learning or knowledge. Here are three easy steps on how to use it.

1. Upload your visual

Select the large Upload button located at the top of the web page. Browse your computer, tablet, or smartphone and select the file that needs editing.

2. The AI technology removes your background

This is the automatic part of the process.

3. Download your transparent image

Download and save the completed visual as a PNG file. You can then use the image in any of your creative projects, whether it’s for calendars, business cards, or your logo. You can add the image to your website or create an eye-catching social media post by adding text in an image editor.

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is software that has great versatility and many uses. It can be applied to any image manipulation process and provide exceptional results. However, experience is required to perform certain tasks. More steps need to be taken in order to remove the background from an image.

1. Open your photo

Select File, press Open, and select the photo you wish to use.

2. Prepare the photo

Once your picture has loaded in Photoshop, move to Layer. Select Smart Object, then click Create Smart Object. Once this has been completed, go back to Layer at the top of the screen, move to where it says Rasterize, and select Smart Object.

3. Use the Quick Selection Tool

Using the icons on the left of your screen, choose the Quick Selection Tool. At the top of your screen, there will be a plus symbol (+) and a minus symbol (-). Select the minus symbol.

Click over the parts you wish to remove from your image. The dashes show which parts of your photo have been selected for removal.

4. Make the background transparent

Press the Backspace or Del button on your keyboard. Your background will vanish, leaving only your subject over a transparent background.

5. Save your file

Remember to save your photo as a PNG file to preserve the transparency of your new image.

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint is part of Microsoft’s Office suite of programs. Its main use is to create slides for presentations. You can even use the program to create an online brochure for your company or project. There is also the option to remove the background from an image. It is simpler than Photoshop, but not as simple as the Depositphotos tool.

1. Open your photo

Select Insert at the top of the screen and choose Picture. Browse your computer, tablet or phone to find the photo you wish to use. Select the file and add it to PowerPoint.

2. Create transparency

Click either File (on PC) or Adjust Format (on Mac). Select Remove Background. PowerPoint will now automatically remove the background and make it transparent.

3. Make adjustments

Using the plus (+) and minus (-) signs at the top of the screen, you can either add more of your main object into the visible space or remove more by clicking on different areas of the photo.

4. Save as PNG

When you have your final photo looking exactly as you wish, save your file in PNG format to keep the background transparent.


As you can see, there are many ways to remove the background from an image. Every tool has a different workflow. Some are more complex than others. Using our handy tutorial above, compare each software or online tool to see which one suits you best.

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