Gamers can do and uncover many things as they play “Hogwarts Legacy.” One of these is deciphering a treasure map so you can access a quest called the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest. Many want to try this adventure but don’t know how to start. So, in this ultimate guide, you will unleash your inner cryptologist and access the quest.
But First, What Is The Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest All About?
The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest is one of the trickiest quests players can find themselves into when playing “Hogwarts Legacy.” But when you finally get hold of this, it is a fantastic treasure hunt you can take as you explore the Highlands. Similar to some other puzzles in the game, this quest unlocks the very fancy Treasure Seeker’s outfit in collections, allowing you to roleplay as a magical tomb raider. Quite exciting, right?
However, you will need Alohomora level one, and the Flipendo spell to accomplish this quest. You also need to be playing at a high level because you must beat the dark wizard boss, Ailsa Travers, and a whole bunch of Inferni.
Here’s Where You Can Find The Mysterious Map Fragment
You can locate the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest marker in the far south of the map by Manor Cape. Yet, note that this quest needs you to find a way into the ruined manor’s basement nearby the West Manor Cape Floo Flame so you can unlock a chest. Also, while you can head through the manor, you need Alohomora level three so you can unlock the basement door.
Look for the little mausoleum with the statue on the hill, up the cliff from the fast travel point. Then, illuminate the torch at the base. Doing so, the statue spins to show you an entrance. Enter here to find yourself in a basement surrounded by Inferni and the dark wizard boss you have to defeat, Ailsa Travers. Once you are able to defeat the bunch of Inferni and Travers, you can unlock the chest in the room where you got in to get the Mysterious Map Fragment. There you go.
How About How To Get The Cursed Tomb Treasure?
Of course, your main goal here, after all, is getting the Cursed Tomb Treasure. Here’s how you can do it.
To locate the treasure, remember that you must follow the map fragment you just got earlier to the Tomb of Treachery dungeon, just below where you enter the map’s south side via the Coastal Cavern. To unlock the Tomb of Treasure Floo Flame, simply fly through the waterfalls and past the standing stones.
Also, using the Lumos spell, you must navigate to the end of the dungeon to collect moths to unlock and open doors, and — similar to other dungeons — transport crates, burn cobwebs, and fight Inferni and spiders. But here’s the trickiest portion you must know. In the last chamber, you will find a grid of nine stone tiles right in the center of the room. This resembles the grid on the map. After defeating the Inferni, you must use the Flipendo spell to spin the tiles to reveal their symbols matching the map’s pattern.
As you get into the chamber, proceed to the right so the tiles are in a square. Take note – spin the bottom left, bottom right, and top middle. You will be guided on whether you are in the correct position since the arrows will point away from you. The tile at the center will then open up, revealing the treasure chest that has your Treasure Seeker’s Attire. Congratulations! It’s worth the effort.
Wrapping Up
Those are basically everything you need to know about the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in “Hogwarts Legacy.” It may be tricky, but things will get easier once you know the ways. Keep browsing this website for more stories written about “Hogwarts Legacy.