Call of Duty Warzone Rambo Skin Revealed , Die Hard Featured In Trailer

Call of Duty has finally unveiled its Rambo skin (and the highly teased Die Hard) in a trailer for its forthcoming ’80s Action Heroes event, after months of teasing. The vast range of operators and skins in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone, including those modeled after horror movie characters Jigsaw and Leatherface, has made the series more lucrative than ever, and Activision is eager to fully embrace the money-making theme with classic action movie actors in Call of Duty.

The arrival of First Blood-era John Rambo and Die Hard’s John McClane skins may have felt delayed due to rumors, hacks, and increasingly heavy-handed teases by Call of Duty on social media, but their presence was only acknowledged for a brief period before being formally hinted at.

In early May, a story about a Rambo skin coming to Warzone and Black Ops Cold War started spreading online, but it’s unknown how the details got beyond Activision’s control. However, much to the publisher’s delight, the player reaction was overwhelmingly positive.


Then, in the coming weeks, Call of Duty’s Twitter account started strongly implying that the rumors were true, resulting in an official preview that included only a brief glimpse of the upcoming Rambo skin and an allusion to the classic First Blood quotation, “To survive a battle, you have to become war.”

Recently, compelling Call of Duty screenshots of Rambo and Die Hard skins leaked online, prompting an even more thinly veiled tease from Call of Duty’s Twitter, asking players to get ready for the ’80s Action Heroes case, which begins on May 20. A new trailer for Call of Duty: Warzone, Black Ops Cold War, and Mobile players was released on Tuesday on the Call of Duty YouTube website, confirming the inclusion and presence of Rambo’s skin.

It’s a brief trailer that serves more like a preview for the Rambo skin’s official look. It’s also a sampler of the irreverent grindhouse sound that Call of Duty’s ’80s Action Heroes case seems to be going for, bringing some levity to Warzone’s Search for Adler’s more intense nature.

While John Rambo’s model tends to be marginally better than the previous model, some of the best looks at the skin in the trailer tend to be prerendered the video, making comparison difficult. If the information is right, the leaked model’s slim build seems to be a little more muscular (and therefore in line with how Sylvester Stallone looked in First Blood).

Another big nod to the alleged John McClane skin is made in the trailer, as the narrator unsubtly suggests the character is next to get the Call of Duty treatment by mentioning the 1988 film.

While some may have wanted more skins to be released all at once to demonstrate the crossover potential of Call of Duty, a character-by-character approach may enable Activision to spread out the release of its ’80s Action Heroes material.

The only speculated skin still lacking is Terminator, but it won’t be long before Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous T-800 and maybe more skins find their way into Warzone and its sister games.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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