Every Confirmed Xbox Series X Launch Issue

Whenever gamers are picking up new tech on launch day, it’s always a possibility that there’s going to be something basically wrong with the machine. Most of the time, these are minor issues that owners really don’t have to bothered about or can easily tolerate, but sometimes, they can be a major problem.

There are also those who got consoles with no problems, and that’s just the reality of playing the Russian roulette of day-one systems. This is no different for the next-gen consoles – the Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation 5.

Both systems play host to numerous day-one problems, per this standard fare. For Xbox Series X systems, that apparently ranges from simple annoying issues like un-syncing controllers to total game shutdowns.

It is also worth mentioning that being knowledgeable of these launch issues is really important, but it’s also something owners should always try to validate. For example, many believed the “smoking” Xbox Series X hoax with even no research in it, despite a lot of players claiming that smoke was caused by an electrical problem. As a matter of fact, it turns out that gamers just blew vape smoke into the next-gen console, and Microsoft even released a statement on the matter via Twitter.

Automatic Shut Down

There have been various reports that the Xbox Series X is automatically shutting down. Most commonly, this appears to happen when loading up a game, but it doesn’t seem to be caused directly by the game. Reports say the problem happened to various games including Ori and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and as of writing, Microsoft has yet to release a statement about the issue.

Controller Un-syncing / Not Pairing

Some players also encountered a problem where the Xbox Series X controller seems to automatically disconnect from the console during use, and even pressing the pair button doesn’t reconnect the two. Apparently, the problem may lie in the controller and luckily a patch may be able to fix it.

Corrupted 4K Display

When trying to play with an HDMI 2.1 TV at 4K resolution running with 120HZ, some players may encounter a “corrupted image” or “no signal” issue. No workaround has been found as of writing.

Strange Noises

There are some reports of bizarre noises coming from Microsoft’s Xbox Series X, although in all reports, it is worth noting that there were no mechanical failures or other extreme problems related to a strange noise. For now, owners should keep an eye out for the noise and look for updates from Microsoft.

App Issues

Microsoft has already acknowledged problems with BBC iPlayer, PeacockTV, Remote Play as well as problems in capturing recordings and screenshots. There have been no identified fixes for these as of the moment, but at least in regards to screenshots and recordings, they can be fixed with an update set to release later this November.

Quick Resume and Smart Delivery

Smart Delivery games may result in the console not recognizing the game as fully installed, usually happening because of moving a game from an external hard drive to the SSD. To fix this, fans will need to reboot the console.

A few games also don’t quickly resume correctly, and Microsoft is currently working on a fix for this. Some games have disabled the feature while the fix hasn’t been figured out yet.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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