Though the seventh installment of the “Civilization” game series has clearly overshadowed what “Civilization VI” can do, the latter’s fins still paddle like those of a fish slaughtered for food. Nothing compares to being able to play this award-winning game when you have mods by your side. However, there is a fine line that separates a good mod from a bad mod. In this guide, find out the best mods in “Civilization VI.”

Movable Districts

This “Civilization VI” mod is your ultimate tool for enhancing how your city is user-friendly when it comes to urban planning. Basically, the mod lets you shell out Gold to move a district, even if it is still under construction. 

You will realize how useful this is as your game progresses because it is highly likely districts are never placed in their intended ideal location on the first attempt. As your city’s borders grow and develop, as well as districts built, you’ll also realize how adjacency bonuses from initial placements won’t always be optimal. Thanks to this mod, these issues are resolved.

Thrones And Palaces

No, this isn’t “Game of Thrones,” but Thrones and Palaces. This mod is perfect for you if you are a fan of throne rooms from “II” and palaces from “III.” It adds new visually remarkable spaces where you can upgrade not just your palace building, but also develop the throne inside it, offering you the best of both worlds. 

However, note that these elements do not have perks or effects, even benefits, for the gameplay, so you can simply add them to games you have in progress now. There are upgrade points you must accumulate to upgrade your spaces, which you earn as you play. So don’t worry.

Extended Eras

Now, for players who wish to focus on balance and pacing, the Extended Eras mod is for you. Here, you overhaul the speed and flow of your game by editing the research costs and carrying out other adjustments. Sure, this sounds counterintuitive, making eras longer and thus, shortening the overall game by allowing players to fully utilize each era’s attributes. Therefore, despite the mix of perks and setbacks, you have stronger victories. 

Furthermore, what’s great about this mod is how it solves a significant area for “Civilization VI,” preventing civilizations from getting ahead of others or falling too behind. In other words, all is justice. Yet, doing so incurs exponentially higher Technology and Civic costs, lower Culture and Science production from citizens, and also diminishes Eureka and Inspiration boosts from 40 percent to 25 percent. This also changes each era’s base length based on the modified research costs from earlier, providing your gameplay the perfect balance you are aiming for and want after all. 

Sukritact’s Oceans

Meanwhile, this mod is brilliant as it enhances the way the game’s oceans look like. This is because Sukritact’s Oceans efficiently fixes the dullness of the oceans, introducing a brand-new game mode that adds more resources, characteristics, and even gameplay mechanics. 

Kelp forests are introduced as a new terrain feature, together with two new bonus resources and three luxury resources, supporting the Monopolies and Corporations game mode introduced from the New Frontier Season Pass. Isn’t that amazing?

Production From Population

This Production From Population mod will give you more reasons to give the YouTube ads and ditch Facebook and play “Civilization VI” for hours. After all, nowadays, things are getting toxic on social media platforms. 

This mod is part of a collection from its creator, a community contributor, enabling “tall play.” How this mod works is straightforward. It adds production from each member of the civilization, just as how the base game has Science and Culture. This passive boost to your Production encourages you to focus on Popular Growth rather than sending Settlers throughout the map. 

A mod that also allows you to build massive and powerful cities that pump out units, districts, wonders, and more in just a fraction of time, the Production From Population mod is useful when you want to reduce imbalances late in the game, where you get more opportunities to expand your cities with the limited resources you have. Amazing, too!

Hillier Hills

This is the “Wonder Woman of ‘Civilization VI’” It’s coming to the rescue when the perks from working with the “Civilization V” visual mod isn’t enough. Think of Hillier Hills as a cherry on top. Think PVP Live isn’t sufficient in elaborating this mod? Share this article around and let us know your thoughts in the caption section. 

Fast Forward AI Turns

Next up is the Fast Forward AI Turns. This fantastic mod is what you need as much as you need a Boy Scout or Girl Scout in your group of friends. This is touted as an absolute essential for quicker gameplay and for anybody who wants to actually try to finish off a campaign. How this mod works is pretty self-explanatory, but it delivers what it has promised.

Basically speaking, the mod enables AI-controlled players, such as City-States and Barbarians, to use both Quick Combat and Quick Movement to their best advantage to speed and patch things up. 

The creator of this mod has others in their collection, but it is the Fast Forward AI Turns mod that’s touted as a game-changer. It is also a sure time-saver whose benefits will shine and get realized by players when they reach the Industrial Era and later. Did you know it also makes the endgame slog less tedious? Try this today.

In conclusion, these are a few of the best “Civilization VI” mods designed to offer a more thrilling and wondrous gaming experience, adding balance to your gameplay, overhauling the user interface, and even adjusting the artificial intelligence so your entire experience is better. As you access and enable these mods, be sure to separate those that can just glitch your game and those that are really working. Play “Civilization VI” now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac, and Microsoft Windows. It is also playable on GeForce Now. 

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