In the digital era, the idea of actually walking up to a shop has started to feel a little mundane, hasn’t it? With eCommerce on the rise, you can buy absolutely anything imaginable, be it the smallest Bt21 sticker or even a helicopter (though is certainly not advisable) all from the comforts of one’s self-confinement otherwise known as a home. And while shopping around the internet may seem efficient enough, it poses a lot of security threats as well. Here is a detailed guide to protecting you against these online scammers
Confirm website’s security
First and foremost ensure the reliability of the site you are shopping at by checking if the site uses SSL encryption which is apparent if there is a padlock symbol on the left side of the search bar in the browser. Further, make sure the site properly uses “HTTPS” at the beginning of its URL. These measures help to double-check the authenticity of a website and ensure that it is safe to shop at.
Trusted websites
While we are on the topic of site security, if you shop online frequently, chances are that you have landed yourself on some not-so-reliable sites with even the smallest typos. The risk with such a mistake is that these sites, which may seem legit with offers that are a little too good to be true, often pose a huge security threat since the boundary of online safety is often blurred here. On top of that, if one does happen to shop from these sites, this will only imply in you handing them your information happily which is a big no.
Thus it is always advised to keep track of reliable and well-known vendors with authentic shopping websites in order to protect yourself against scammers.
Avoid shopping using a public Wi-Fi
Surfing the internet on public Wi-Fi has always been marked as dangerous be it for light reading or online shopping. The common stream of public Wi-Fi allows a hacker to easily look into your feed and steal valuable information such as your credit card number, address, and other account information.
Provide only the necessary
Personal information is your greatest asset and your most vulnerable point while browsing the internet and hence is not to be handed out under any circumstances. While shopping, the protocol is that you have to fill out basic information, even that on a scam site could be harmful, though absolutely no one would ask for further sensitive information such as your social security number. So make sure that you provide only the bare minimum that is required.
Credit vs Debit card
When it comes to making a purchase, a credit card is most certainly the way to go since a compromised debit card may lead scammers directly to your account. If a site requires other modes of payment such as wired money, it’s probably a scam. Hence make sure you use the proper modes of payment. Virtual credit cards can be used for additional security since the number that is linked to your actual credit card changes periodically and even if the number is compromised, by the time a scammer tries to use it, it would have already changed.
Keep your expenditure in check
It is always advisable to keep your banking and online expenditures in check. A way to do this is to take a good look at your account statements often to keep track of not only the expenditure one is making but also to pinpoint any suspicious activity, fund transfer or purchase made without your knowledge. Further setup email alerts to notify you in case of any suspicious activity to take action against it immediately.
“Too good to be True” deals
Price comparison is always a good measure to determine whether a site is legit or not. Though you may get lucky with some seasonal sales, a drastically low price is a perfect indicator for a scam site. A Louis Vuitton jacket for $100 seems like a steal right? Ironic, since the only thing that’s being stolen here is your significant personal information way more valuable than even a legit LV jacket.
Hide your IP Address using a VPN
Your IP address is just as important while browsing as any other vital information you might hand over to scammers. Hiding an IP address is a recommended measure to protect oneself against online scams. Unauthorized surveillance of any kind is a potential threat while trying to shop peacefully and this surveillance targets one’s IP address thus a hidden IP protects your system against unauthorized snooping. Along with a VPN, proper and up-to-date antivirus software is also recommended.
Track your Order
Tracking your order is always a good measure to make sure the package is actually legit. Sites almost always provide you with ways to track your purchase and if a site refuses to do so scam alert! Though in either case, one should always remember or note the order details which will not only be helpful to track but also help for a refund if need be.
Scam emails
Scam emails are a feared domain when it comes to cyber threats as often these mails possess malicious codes or files which may not only corrupt your system but also provide a hacker with direct access to all your important information. Thus it is strongly recommended to not open and simply delete emails from unknown sources that might look suspicious.
Strong Passwords
Passwords are the major way someone can gain access to your account easily. Thus it is always advised to use a strong combination that may not be easily compromised. 14 character length is recommended including lower and uppercase letters, symbols, numbers as well as punctuations to improve the complexity of your passwords.
It is equally important to change your passwords frequently (once every 3 months) or so in order to protect your information even if your password is compromised without your knowledge.
Report Scam and Suspicious activity
Even at the end of the day, you somehow manage to get scammed by some online vendor, report it immediately to all the authorities concerned. Officials looking into the matter could potentially lead to the scammer getting caught and restoration of your funds or whatever financial expense the scammer has caused.