
HUH Token seems to be a couple of weeks away from launch on the Binance Smart Chain, based on their website. The Token plans to leverage blockchain technology and challenge the status quo while providing passive income for those investing in the HUH community.

Before now, most investment opportunities only gave room for the premium investors to earn a dividend, but as it seems that is all about to change. The HUH Token is targeting everyone and you do not need a large investment, they claim that there is no complex science or technicality to how the system works. It describes that it takes a portion of the investment of social investors and uses smart contracts to redistribute the revenue in BNB as a reward. So, if all you want to do is just buy and hold your Tokens, you will still have the chance to earn a sizable reward. The Token will be available on Pancakeswap, and you can hold it in your Trustwallet or MetaMask.

A System that aims to grow the Community

It seems that HUH will provide incentives that make being part of the community a huge bonus. Firstly, the buy orders seem to be taxed at 15%, while sell orders are taxed at 20%. I believe the reason for this is to encourage people to buy rather than sell. This will provide less liquidity but more stability, even when other tokens or coins are volatile with more buy orders. They will need to stabilize the Token by locking the initial liquidity for around 6 months.

Another incentive that seems to be in the works is the HUH Token referral system, there will be more information on this as it impacts the sell order (%). They are growing the project with the help of incentives and leveraging the use of BNB as the reward Token – if all this works out then HUH will soon be one of the top Tokens in the Binance Smart Chain.
With such a futuristic plan, HUH Token is certainly going to be a disruptive Token and really challenge the status quo to change the way Meme Tokens are currently viewed. If these incentives and the rewards operate as planned, then this is an opportunity no one should miss out on.

As we get closer to the date of release more information on the Token will be released and explained.

Follow them on their Socials before they Launch:

Website: http://huh.social/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuhToken

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huhToken/

Telegram: https://t.me/HuhToken

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