New Marvel’s Avengers Update Fixes Literally A Thousand Bugs

Marvel’s Avengers has had a pretty rough launch. Fans really looked forward to the title, given its strong story and its enjoyable post-campaign live game component. However, it has been full of bugs and glitches ever since it was released.

Fortunately, Crystal Dynamics released a massive update for Marvel’s Avengers that they claim fixes a thousand issues.

On the game’s website, Crystal Dynamics notes that patch V1.3.0 is their “first major patch since launch” and given the fact that it addresses “over 1000 issues,” it is truly a major patch indeed.

Some of the fixes are small, but others are huge, even going so far as to fix the game-breaking bugs. Without a doubt, the update focuses more on fixing glitches and issues, while quality-of-late adjustments coming in later updates.

For now, though, the superhero title has so many bugs to exterminate, ranging from strange, graphical issues, to major ones that can really affect the game.


For the PC players, many have noted that there has been a boost in stability and there are far fewer crashes compared to when the update wasn’t released. Players also noticed that their CPU and memory usage are much better now.

Not only that, but Crystal Dynamics has added the ability to completely turn off motion blur, which is a feature that has pretty polarizing opinions. Some gamers enjoy having motion blur in the games they play, while some would really rather not deal with it.

Another update worth noting is that you can now backup your save, which is a definitely big plus. You will also find cross-platform improvements in this update, but it mostly focuses on the crashes, pesky visual bugs, and unintentional skill interactions.

Of course, as mentioned, major fixes for bugs like heroes freezing, getting stuck, no longer having access to abilities, and more are also included in the patch.


Some of the major changes you’ll find in this newest update for Marvel’s Avengers include reduced difficulty for some of the available missions. The update will also fix the bug wherein events would malfunction such as Defend missions stalling.

As for the enemy turrets and ranged attacks in general, they are significantly less aggressive now. Among the many, many changes, you’ll also find that Crystal Dynamics has gotten rid of Kamala Khan’s unintentional throw, fixed some issues regarding Captain America’s mirror shield, and even changed Iron Man’s lock-on targeting for the better.

Marvel’s Avengers’ patch notes go on and on to list all kinds of issues, both known and unknown alike. Despite the fact that the game has so many problems, fans haven’t given up on the title yet.

Understandably, the Crystal Dynamics team is grateful for the continued support, stating:  “We can’t thank you enough for your patience and support. Please keep it coming; you are helping shape the future of Marvel’s Avengers.

For the complete breakdown of Patch 1.3.0, you can check out the Marvel’s Avengers website. It has been such a highly-anticipated title that it actually received more PlayStation downloads than “any other beta in history.”

Cat and literature-lover. I play RPG games when I have the time.

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