Nintendo Releases 2020 Switch Year In Review

Nintendo has provided its fans a chance to look back at the year 2020 with the Nintendo Switch Year In Review. As 2021 quickly approaches, this provides fans a chance to reflect on the many games they played and how much time they spent with their favorites.

Nintendo has particularly has had many ups and downs this year. Though the gaming giant had claimed that the global coronavirus pandemic didn’t have a major effect on game releases, Nintendo’s yearly report unveiled that Nintendo products would indeed be pushed back because of work from home adjustments.

While the gaming community doesn’t particularly know what games got postponed, it’s likely that The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 is on the list, provided that the game’s producer, Eiji Aonuma mentioned that the development team was still hard at work during the announcement of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.


With only a week left in 2020, Nintendo has released a Switch Year in Review where players can look back at the most prominent titles they have played and check how many hours were spent throughout the entire year.

It records the top five games spent per hour, how active players were per month, and the number of games played. All of these details are brought together to provide an evaluation of what kind of player users are.

Though the coronavirus did prove to push back a few of Nintendo’s huge upcoming games such as Breath of the Wild 2, the year has seen some huge launches from Nintendo. The most triumphant launch for Nintendo for the year was Animal Crossing New Horizons by a massive margin.


The timing of the game’s release couldn’t be any better provided that it was the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, which is possibly what contributed to making one of the bestselling Nintendo Switch games to date by providing fans a much-needed installment in the franchise, and even the tail-end of 2020 witnessed Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity become the bestselling Dynasty Warriors game of all time.

With the end of the year just over the horizon, the next question that comes to mind is what will the upcoming year set in store. Aside from the upcoming Metroid 4 and Breath of the Wild 2, whose launch dates are unknown, there currently aren’t any confirmed first-party games announced for 2021.

However, there are a few third-party games to be launched at the start of the year, such as Monster Hunter Rise and Bravely Default 2. But beyond that, it’s all dependent on whether the pandemic will conclude sometime next year.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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