Star Wars: Squadrons new trailer shows off single-player campaign

EA has released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Star Wars: Squadron during the live stream of Gamescom’s opening night, giving another glimpse at the single-player campaign.

The new trailer shows how players will jump into the shoes of two conflicting pilots in alternating missions. One Pilot from the Empire and the other from the New Republic. There are also film character cameos like Wedge Antilles.

The trailer mainly focuses on an Imperial mission that has the players flying behind enemy lines infiltrating a New Republic base, escorting a shuttle, and escaping with intelligence. While Squadrons will largely focus on five vs five dogfights and large multiplayer fleet battles, the single-player will give players a variety of missions on a more diverse scale.

Star Wars: Squadrons releases on October 2nd for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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