Valorant is a first-person shooter that was created by Riot Games with one goal in mind: to make it the best game it could possibly be for the PC. However, it’s popularity greatly spiked, and gamers from all over the world flocked to Future Earth to either be attackers or defenders.
As a result, its potential to be ported to mobile devices and other platforms was noticed. So far, Riot has been amazing when it comes to responding to the Valorant community’s requests.
For instance, the addition of Spike Rush and Deathmatch, as well as the fact that they balanced Agents and made some adjustments to the Competitive ranks. We can definitely see that Valorant’s developers are in it for the long-term.
Riot Games has definitely been shaping the game around its consumers, which has surely created a loyal fanbase that will want to keep returning to Future Earth. That being said, a huge portion of the market is still missing out on this adrenaline-pumping title, namely the mobile gamers.

Although, based on the rumors and leaks we’ve heard of lately, mobile players may be able to join PC players in Future Earth at some point in the, well, future. For one thing, Valorant’s Game Director Joe Ziegler once said that Riot Games is considering the idea of porting the game to mobile.
There have been no updates made regarding the possibility of a mobile version since then. However, a Valorant player and YouTuber known as SkillCapped reported that a new string of code has shown up in the game files after the 1.08 patch.
According to him, the new string of code alludes to the ability of a player to do an action by tapping on the right-hand side of a screen. Obviously, this is a feature that’s only available on devices that have touch screens, such as iOS and Android devices.
Although this is just a small albeit unofficial update, it gives mobile gamers high hopes that Riot might be currently developing Valorant’s potential mobile UI and slowly including it in the game’s updates as they go live.
Also, as SkillCapped mentioned, if Riot is possibly working on a mobile release for Valorant, then it’s also very possible that they’ll port the game to consoles as well.
Although they did mention before that they have a specialized team that assesses the possibility of having an Xbox and/or PlayStation version, there is nothing concrete yet.
Like always when it comes to leaks, the datamined report should be taken with a grain of salt – at least until Riot officially makes an announcement on their progress or if they’re working on it at all.
In case you missed it, once update 1.09 gets released, this will allow players the ability to purchase specific variants of a weapon’s skin. With this update, you will be able to transform your weapon of choice into something colorful – you can even add visual effects.
For more relevant Valorant news, you can also check out our other new articles here.