Apex Legends’ Kings Canyon Map Has Returned

After what feels like forever, fans will once again be able to experience Apex Legends’ Kings Canyon map in this rotation. After being noticeably absent for most of Season 7, the original map is finally available to play on once again. Although Kings Canyon will only be around for a limited time, it has brought with it a special addition.

In the area that was once known as Skull Town, Kings Canyon will have the Mirage Voyage party ship there instead. Long-time Apex Legends players may be familiar with this party ship, as the Mirage Voyage was first introduced to the game in Season 3 during the first Holo-Day Bash’s Mirage Town Takeover.

With the release of Apex Legends Season 7, not only was Kings Canyon replaced with the new map Olympus, it was completely taken out of the map rotation. While Olympus is still a part of the current rotation, fans will be able to head on over to Kings Canyon until January 21, 2021, for a little trip down memory lane.


Not only will it offer a bit of nostalgia for those players who were able to experience Kings Canyon the first time around, the returning map gives current players the chance to discover a new secret. In the Mirage Voyage, players will find a voice recording in the cabin that will give players lore to ponder over.

More specifically, the audio recording is apparently from Mirage’s mother himself. It’s a truly heartbreaking recording to listen to though, as Mirage’s mother sounds incredibly tired and she seems to be having a difficult time trying to recollect her memories.

With this newfound lore, it seems clear that Mirage’s mother had Alzheimer’s, yet she was able to remember a couple of their family members. One of the people she mentions is Mirage’s Uncle Droz, who happens to be a Titanfall 2 pilot from the 6-4 faction.

On the other hand, his mother also mentions Davis, who is yet another character in Titanfall 2. Davis eventually creates The Last Resort faction alongside Droz.


Asides from the Mirage Voyage, however, the Kings Canyon map offers other fun and exciting content and features to Apex Legends players. For one thing, there’s another ship floating above the map, and it has a billboard promoting the fact that Salvo has joined the mercenary organizers for The Syndicate. For those who don’t know, The Syndicate is an Apex Legends tournament.

Many fans speculate that this is some kind of teaser for the highly awaited Season 8, where Apex Legends players may learn more about Salvo as well as the intriguing planet that was mentioned in the Season 7 quest called Family Portrait.

In other news, a couple of leaks and rumors have been circulating as Apex Legends Season 7 slowly draws to a close. For one thing, a datamine for the game indicates that Fuse may be joining Apex Legends’ roster of playable characters.

Fuse was previously leaked before Season 7 started; in fact, many believed that he would be the new Legend for that season before Horizon was officially revealed. Speaking of Horizon, one of the developers from Respawn Entertainment implied that the highly popular Scottish character may be getting a nerf in a future update, and as expected, not a lot of fans are happy about it.

Cat and literature-lover. I play RPG games when I have the time.

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