New Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker Trailer Features New Jobs and Abilities

Endwalker, the forthcoming expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, showed several new skills and profession modifications coming to the game. In FFXIV’s latest Letter from the Producer webcast, producer Naoki Yoshida expounded on these details, a method the developers utilize to engage and communicate with fans. The game has grown in popularity over the last year, to the point where FFXIV’s servers were overburdened in June.

Despite the fact that Final Fantasy XIV has become a popular MMORPG in recent years, the game was almost written off following one of the worst launches in the genre’s history. Its popularity is attributed in part to its engaging gameplay.


Players must choose from a list of occupations, each of which provides them with a distinct combination of skills, abilities, and a gauge that acts as the foundation for how they play. The creators have expanded to these gauges with each expansion by introducing new features that radically alter the dynamics of some tasks.

Final Fantasy XIV (via Comic Book) demonstrated the new features and powers contained in the upcoming expansion during its Letter from the Producer live. Black Mages now have hybrid spells that enable them to cast both fire and ice at the same time, while Summoners also have the ability to summon the entire power of Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda (instead of exclusively Egis). In Endwalker, the time it takes for healers to perform offensive spells will be decreased as well.

The new Reaper and Sage occupations, though, were the major attractions. The Reaper is a DPS profession that can call a demon to its side while in combat and charges up and unleashes a volley of demonic assaults using a gauge. It has the ability to tear open portals in order to travel about more easily, emphasizing mobility in combat.

The Sage is a healer job that has been added to Final Fantasy XIV for the first time in six years owing to the increased difficulty of balancing healer occupations. Because it can attack opponents and heal people at the same time, the profession is a cross between DPS and healer. It primarily employs barriers to protect other players from harm, making up for the absence of regenerative healing found in other occupations of this type.

Final Fantasy XIV’s popularity looks to be continuing into the autumn, as the FFXIV Complete Edition ran out of digital downloads in July, and Endwalker is set to introduce a slew of new features. As a result, Endwalker appears to be launching at the ideal time to capitalize on the game’s recent success. As the expansion’s release date approaches, fans may pass the time by planning how they’ll use the new roles and abilities.

Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc
Christian Allen Tandoc is a frantic writer, blogger, and ghostwriter. He quit his office job as an Applications Engineer for the love of writing. When he’s not working, he’s either playing with his PS4 or his 1-year old daughter.

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