Fortnite has been removed from the Google Play Store, which means Android players cannot update to the latest version of the game and play Chapter 2 Season 4. Though, Epic is making it clear to players that their own app and the Samsung Galaxy Store will allow Android players to continue playing.
Those who have downloaded the game on Android are receiving an email from Epic Games stating that Android users can still play the new season through the Epic Games App for Android (via or the Samsung Galaxy Store.
Epic also added that Android users who already own Fortnite on Google Play will be able to continue playing the current update, the Season 3 Battle Pass. However, it was wrapped up on August 27, which means players will not be able to progress further. New cosmetics, gifts, and challenges are also not obtainable.
The Battle Lab, Duos, and Limited-Time game modes are also inaccessible for Google Play users. For iOS users, the situation is worse. This article explains it further.